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Village Defense Team Act, 1995

VDP Act-1995

The law enacted for the formation of village defense teams for the purpose of improving the socio-economic and public security conditions of the country


Whereas it is expedient and necessary to form village defense teams for the purpose of improving the socio-economic and public security conditions of the country;

Therefore it is hereby enacted as follows:-


Short title

1 This Act shall be called the Village Defense Team Act, 1995



2 Subject to anything contrary to the subject or context, in this Act,—

(a) “Ansar Bahini” means the Ansar Bahini constituted under the Ansar Bahini Act, 1995 (Act No. 3 of 1995);

(b) “village” shall also mean ward;

(c) “Director-General” means the Director-General of Ansar Force;

(d) “regulations” means regulations made under this Act;

(e) “rules” means rules made under this Act;

(f) “Ward” means Ward as defined in section 2 of the Paurashava Ordinance, 1977 (XXVII of 1977).


Formation of village defense team

3 Village Defense Team shall be constituted as per the provisions of this Act


Supervision and management

4 The Village Defense Team shall be under the overall supervision of the Government and shall be under the direction of the Director General of the Village Defense Team in accordance with the orders and directions issued by the Government from time to time subject to these Acts, rules and regulations and their consistency.


Officers and employees, etc

5 All officers and employees considered as officers and employees of Ansar forces shall also be considered as officers and employees of village defense team.


Enrollment of Village Defense Team Members

6 The members of the village defense team shall be enrolled and incorporated as volunteers in the manner prescribed by the regulations and their allowances, clothing, training and rank shall be prescribed by the regulations.


Post of village defense team

7 (1) The Village Defense Team shall have all or any of the following posts, namely:-

(a) union party leaders and party leaders;

(b) union assistant team leaders and team leaders;

(c) Ward Team Leaders and Team Leaders;

(d) Ward Assistant Team Leaders and Team Leaders;

(e) village party leaders and party leaders;

(f) Village Assistant Team Leaders and Team Leaders;

(g) Village Defense Member

(2) The Director General may form one or more village defense platoons in every city, ward, union and village and their formation, management and control shall be prescribed by regulations.

(3) The Director General may, if necessary, integrate the members of the Village Defense Team for a specified period


Duties of Village Defense Teams, etc

8 (1) The main responsibility of the Village Defense Team shall be:-

(a) To participate in public welfare activities aimed at improving the socio-economic condition of the country;

(b) providing assistance in law enforcement and public safety;

(c) perform any duties prescribed by the Government, from time to time

(2) The members of the Village Defense Team may carry and use arms and ammunition subject to the policies and orders made by the Government, from time to time, given instructions and conditions imposed.


Obligation to obey orders

9 The members of the Village Defense Team shall be bound to obey the lawful orders given to them by the proper authorities


  Power to make rules

10 The Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.


  Power to make regulations

11 For carrying out the purposes of this Act, the Director General may, with the prior approval of the Government and by notification in the Official Gazette, make such regulations as are not inconsistent with this Act or any rule.


Revocation and Custody

12 (1) All orders of the Government relating to the formation of Village Defense Teams, hereinafter referred to as the said orders, are hereby repealed.

(2) All movable and immovable property, funds, liabilities and documents of the village defense team constituted under the said order shall be the property, funds, liabilities and documents of the village defense team constituted under this Act.

(3) All members of the village defense team enrolled under the said order immediately before the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to be members of the village defense team enrolled under this Act.

(4) All orders or directions made by the Director General in respect of Village Defense Team shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, remain in force until repealed or modified.
